Be Like A Quantum

Be Like A Quantum


Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

A Place That I Never Forget

I know that this is just a figment of the imagination that I dreamed of this moment. But the fantasy that I could know if I deserve to be there. In a place far, far away. Places that gave me lots of inspiration to keep going. Tireless, and keep dreaming. My every act which must aim to do one thing, that is to be there. Still, every day I always told my parents that I will be there. I believe if I do what is best in me, I can do it. No matter whether it was difficult or very easy, keep trying and do not want to give up. Towards a hope that was burning. Can you guess what it is?

Yes, University of Oxford

From there I dreamed of getting a new thing that can not be forgotten in my life. Learning and can become celebrities in the world. I pray and keep trying to pursue my dreams without relentless it and move on.

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